Sustainable School Shop.

Learn More


The Sustainable School Shop encourages reuse and recycling through innovation and technology, enabling schools and families to look for a second-hand item first before buying new.

The Sustainable School Shop is committed to improving in-school services and practices to deliver new efficiencies.

Making better use of current resources and reducing what goes to landfill builds a more sustainable school community and lowers the cost of education.

We can all make a difference, changing individual behaviour even slightly brings significant change overall.

Code of Conduct

The Sustainable School Shop undertakes to treat all clients at all levels with respect, courtesy and in good faith, while promoting and encouraging long term relationships that deliver improved value and reward.  
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Separate systems form the basis of the service:

  • Second-hand Textbook Trading System
  • Second-hand Uniform Trading System
  • General Trading System
  • An Online New Uniform Ordering Facility
  • The website is Australia's largest resource of second-hand secondary textbooks
  • National advertising and trading platform for students attending Uni's & Tafe's

Many Primary and Secondary Schools nationally have implemented these systems with more schools adoting the service each year. Sustainable School Shop will continue to develop addidional online Systems/Solutions for schools.

From the trading activity generated by these systems, Businesses, Organisations, Charities etc have found the service helpful in meeting their needs.

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How to use this Service and Cost

Businesses, organisations, chartities etc can all register and search the advertisements gaining the contact details for free. Please register your interest on the registration page, next we contact you and activate your registration. There is no cost.

Cost to list Advertisements

For Sale and Wanted advertisements can be listed by clicking "My Ads" in the Navbar once logged in.

Organistaions, Charities, RTO's, Uni's, Tafe's, clubs etc: Listing advertisements provided at no cost.

Businesses: Annual Subscriptions cost $49.95, last 365 days and provide unlimited advertisements. System provides multiple Users under the one registration.

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What can be Advertised

Anything that relates to:

  • Education
  • Extra curricular activities, interests, hobbies and sport

Commonly traded items
Sporting Items
Musical Equipment
School Surplus
Clothing and Costumes
Computer Equipment
Dance Wear

Commonly Advertised services
Tutoring Services
Facilities Hire

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For Sale Ads
Remain listed for 365 days from their listing date, unless otherwise delisted by the Browser

Listed For Sale Ads are automatically extended another 365 days when a Browsers Annual Family Membership is renewed.

Wanted Ads
Remain listed for 90 days, unless otherwise delisted by the Browser
Delisting Ads
Please delist any For Sale & Wanted Ads that you no longer require or for items that have sold, it is important for us and your school.

The Sustainable School Shop uses delisting/sold statistics to compile generic recycling rates which is then reported to the school. The information is also used within the Sustainable Schools Program.

To delist an ad, please login and click the “Delist Ads” button in the dashboard, next click the "Delist" or "Sold" button on the right side of each Ad you wish to remove.

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Commercial Advertising Opportunities 

Sustainable School Shop is providing advertising opportunities for businesses/organisations wishing to reach families with school age children, students and schools.

National, State, Regional, Local and select demographic advertising space, is now available.

Customised solutions can be provided to specific requirements.

All inquiries please call: Kathy 0438 743 444

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Sponsorship Opportunities

The Sustainable School Shop's philosophy and business provides ideal sponsorhip opportunities for organistaions requiring significant exposure to families with school age children, students and schools.

The Sustainable School Shop brand is highly regarded within the school community and is strongly identified with Sustainability, Value and Community.

All inquiries please call: Kathy 0438 743 444

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Sustainable School Shop

You can learn more about the Sustainable School Shop at our About Us page. 

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Please visit our FAQ page for answers to frequently asked questions.

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