At last a specialised online service connecting students from all Secondary Schools, Universities and Tafes.
Recycle those items you no longer need and trade across all schools.
Register and search the ads for free. Or single Ads cost a $1.95.
Register & JoinIts makes sense, help other students and the environment.
It's the smart way to advertise to all students everywhere - at schools, Uni's and Tafes.
Easy to use, and just about anything can be advertised and traded.
Call 1300 683 337, we're friendly and helpful.
Get results, trade with students from many Uni's & Tafes
Always sought and easily recycled between students
Setting up house or moving on, For Sale & Wanted ads both work well.
Cash in and recycle those clothes you no longer wear, including trade uniforms.
List your accommodation requirements with us